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The Azores are again a top European ‘green’ destination


The Azores are again a top European ‘green’ destination
Credits: Nuno Sá | Associação de Turismo dos Açores
We love the Azores. But it’s still awesome when others recognize these nine islands for what they are too! And for the second year in a row, the European Coastal and Marine Union (EUCC) has named the Azores as the Top European ‘green’ destination!


The fact that we love and care for our traditions is recognized by EUCC as one of the main factors to this award. They highlight our politics of producing local and regional products in a traditional way, specially wine, cheese, fruits, tea and tuna. They also point that Azoreans catch tuna with traditional fishing rods and wires that are dolphin friendly, which makes it one of the most sustainable canned tuna in the world market. Moreover, they said, the Azores transformed the economic disadvantage caused by the international prohibition of whaling, in an opportunity for development of whale watching.

They also highlighted the Azorean projects of exploration and optimization of renewable energy, mainly wind, geothermic energy and biomass. Nowadays, 28% of the generated energy became from renewable sources – with the goal of reaching the 75% by 2018.

Other Portuguese regions were also recognized: a silver award to Cascais (and the German island of Noderney) and the bronze award to the Portuguese West Coast regions such as Peniche, Torres Vedras, Óbidos and Nazaré.

The QualityCoast Awards are considered a most prestigious international honor aimed to assisting tourism operators growing destinations in a way that is sustainable. The awards recognize efforts that contribute to sustainable tourism that maintain local identity, natural and cultural heritage, scenic beauty and clean environment.

What are we waiting for? Schedule your trip, book a flight and visit the Azores! We promise you great adventures!


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