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August 2014

Portugal in the Middle Ages was a crossroads of cultures, with hostile Moors to the south and rival Spanish kingdoms to the east. Today, Portugal’s more than 140 forts and castles are persisting monuments to the nation’s will to be independent. While larger and mightier countries were absorbed by others, Portugal, with its proud castles and the soldiers who defended them, evolved. Read more →

Private Jets Services(PJS) anuncia a abertura de sua divisão internacional

Private Jets Services(PJS) Sendo uma das melhores empresas de consultoria de aviação existente no mercado, anuncia a abertura de sua divisão internacional com escritório localizado em Florida. Essa nova divisão será dirigida por Kuky Salazar, Presidente da America Latina, Europa e Ásia, a mesma estará focada em proporcionar uma experiência superior em aviação para corporações e individuais além da America do Norte. Read more →

With unique paleontological findings, Lourinhã has a museum entirely dedicated to this remarkable findings, including two new species of dinosaurs and a nest that even though smashed it allows to observe its eggs – the pieces of shells and the remains of two dino-embryos. Read more →

“Arquipélago” – an Azores Center for Contemporary Arts will open in 2015. The former alcohol distilling factory in Ribeira Grande, Sao Miguel, will be transformed into “Arquipélago” - Center for Contemporary Art that is scheduled to open in 2015. Read more →