Friday 13th: The day the Demons celebrated in Montalegre
May 13, 2016
“You may not believe in witches, but they exist,” is an old Portuguese saying. In the only Friday 13th of the year, witches, demons, and elves are heading to Montalegre. Why? The town celebrates the "capital of mysticism" - an event that began in 2002, and has turned into one of the biggest street parties in the country.
Ready to face your demons? They are waiting for you in Montalegre. This town in the North/Central; part of Portugal, near the border, transforms itself into a Halloween party town that attracts more than 40 thousand visitors every Friday 13th from all over the country.
The highpoint of the evening is up to the priest who will make the traditional “queimada” – a drink made with “aguardente,” lemon, apple, cinnamon and sugar. The “Queimada,” they say, has the power to clear oneself from all the evil in the body (the “aguardente” sure has the “power” for it…).
In 2015, the town celebrated three times, in February, March, and November. In 2017, the demons will walk the streets again in January and October. Watch the video trailer and try not to be scared…