Petisco - a tasty tidbit
Barcelos: The Quintessential Market Town in Northern Portugal

The soup is always on throughout Portugal


Portuguese love soup. Indeed, a Portuguese meal is incomplete without it! Consequently, recipes for soup abound, from caldeirdada fish stew in the Algarve region, to sopa de Pedra (stone soup) from the country's central region, to Papas de abobora (pumpkin stew), popular in the North.  However, if someone were to name a "national" soup, found in most Portuguese restaurants, it would have to be Caldo Verde. It does originate from the North, but its fans are found from the Azores to the Alentejo. And, like most great Portuguese recipes, it is the result of simple sophistication. It is basically a potato soup, served with kale and a hint of chouriço sausage.  (Portuguese love kale, but it's not the crinkled leaf kind used as a garnish in the U.S., but a delicious, flat-leaved variety that is delicious.)



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